Thursday, 24 March 2016

LGBT: UK white gay male reps' not oppressed enough to be in this societies-Campaigners

White gay male representatives should be excluded from LGBT+ societies, because they don’t face oppression in their community, student campaigners have said.

The National Union of Students’ LGBT+ Campaign called for those who represent gay men to be removed from LGBT+ societies at their yearly conference in Sheffield this week.

The motion the group passed specifically implies discrimination and prejudice is more likely to happen if white ‘cis’ gay men dominate the society. Cisgender, often abbreviated to ‘cis’, refers to people whose physiology and identity match the gender they were assigned at birth.

NUS LGBT students' union passes motion to continue supporting Safe Spaces and No Platforming at UK universities.

— Hari (@_har1_) March 21, 2016

The campaign also seeks to push LGBT+ societies into scrapping the position completely.

“The reps system exists to ensure that committees can always have a reserved place for groups which disproportionately face oppression within the LGBT+ community,” the motion said.

“Gay men do not face oppression as gay men within the LGBT+ community and do not need a reserved place on society committees.”

The motion also addresses the contentious “no-platforming” debate, whereby speakers are denied a platform to express their views if they are thought to be “bigoted.”

“Students’ Unions have a choice of who to host as speakers, and denying them that platform is a choice that SUs should feel free to make on ideological and welfare-based grounds. We reaffirm our commitment to a policy of no platform for fascists,” it reads.

NUS just passed an appalling motion calling for LGBT societies to drop the role of gay men's rep because "gay men do not face oppression"

— Edward Hardy (@EdwardTHardy) March 23, 2016

Speaking to Gay Times (GT) Magazine on Wednesday, a spokesperson for the National Union of Students (NUS) said the motion defending “no platform and safe spaces” was passed at the yearly conference without a single amendment.

“All delegates are free to submit motions for discussion but they do not necessarily represent the views of the NUS if at all. The NUS does not have any committee places solely reserved for men, this is because we recognize that the LGBT+ community is far wider than just men, at a national level we have open places where anyone can put themselves forward for nomination,” the spokesperson said.

The National Union of Students LGBT+ Campaign says it has played a key role in changing the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) students in Britain. It describes itself as an autonomous wing of the NUS.

The group has been a central player in multiple campaigns that brought about serious legal change, including gender recognition and civil partnerships. Last December, it dispatched more than 4,000 Christmas cards to Prime Minister David Cameron, demanding he support equal marriage rights.

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First Islamic Bank Opens in Russia

Russia's first Islamic banking centre, operating under the principles of Southeast Asia and Middle East partnership funding, opened in Kazan on Thursday. At a time when Western funding is closed to Russia, it could now get more investment from Muslim countries.

Islamic banking in Russia may ease effect of sanctions – head of Sberbank

"We are living through difficult times. Difficult economic circumstances force us to look for new ways. Affiliate banking is new to us. We have to form customer service, which would, above all, be in accordance with Russian banking legislation and not contradict Islamic banking," said the president of Russia’s Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.

Located about 800 kilometers east of Moscow, Russia’s Tatarstan has a significant Muslim Tartar population.

"I am sure this will also be a step that will attract new financial markets to our country,” he added.

The center will focus on banking services for individuals, firms and foreign investors.

According to Tatarstan Finance Minister Artem Zdunov, the lack of foreign borrowing has made Russia look for other sources of financing, including Muslim countries. He added that the Islamic finance industry is one of the fastest growing in the world with 15-20 percent annual growth in assets.

The state religion in several countries of Southeast Asia and the Middle East has left its mark on their credit institutions. Islamic banks do not pay interest, and receive an income from investments in business projects.

At present, Russian legislation does not allow Islamic banks to use all their tools. However, amending the law is already being discussed.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Weird Man who ran for the US presidency

The Candidate who promised free petrol for everyone if voted);
In 1980,Eagles guitar player,Joe Walsh,announced his candidacy despite being only 33 at the time (the president must be at least 35 based on US Constitution).

Walsh garnered pretty significant media attention with his "Free Gas (petrol) for Everyone " platform. He promised to change the national anthem from "The Star-Spangled Banner " to his hit song "Life's Been Good". He threw his hat in the ring a second time in 1992 but ran as Vice President with Reverend Goat Carson under the slogan"We Want Our Money Back"!".

In 2012,Walsh said he was finally considering a serious bid for politician  office   . "I think I would run for Congress. The root of the problem is that Congress is so dysfunctional,and we're dead in the water until they get to work and pass some new legislation to change things."