Hey guys,guess what,its 2016!'''''!!!!!....2016 on the call,wow""""!!!!!...
You just exclaimed,ah ha!!!!'''?
Yeah guys,2015 has finally come to an end,YES an end'''""!!!
365 Days
53 Weeks
8760 Hours
525600 Minutes
31536000 Seconds
We all lived to see,Wow""""!!!!...
Your body system worked all through these days and never for a day stopped..
Do you think its all by our Power?!?..~
So many Rich Men would pray to see today,So many with a lot of Influence would wish to get the chance You have been given today..Yes!!""...Today...
Do You ever know what happens when we are at sleep?,Do you know the evils starts operations by that time?,Do you know how many people you've offended that you didn't know you did?,~ha ah,you just remembered that old mama you insulted when on your way to work,in the bus,or that man you abused when trying to ask for help from you,or that lady you had series of sexual encounters with,promising her heaven and earth and next you texted her saying "Gf,its over".........
Now you see,now tell me your secret to being alive today,is it because your fore-fathers lived long? Or You know the right foods to consume everyday or You know the right roads to take when going out??!!!!.........~
My guy,please stop the deceit,its our Oluwa in heaven that have been there all through 2015 and now he is planning something great for "You" in 2016..YES,"You"~>>>.
Stop that act of "No Money,No Happiness",stand up and say a "Big Thank You" to the "Master of Masters",God almighty and see how much "Blessings" you will get in 2016...
We at Wheelzcoded Blog wish to say a very "Big Thank You" to all our esteemed readers,visitors for sparing your "time","data","love" to give meaning to all our posts. God bless Your 2016 with a lot of "Grace","Love" and "Mercy"....
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