A baby who was born inside the toilet of a train in India slipped through the toilet set and fell on rail tracks miraculously survived on Monday,December 28. According to a statement made available on Wednesday by the Police Officer,Anil Sirohi in New Delhi,the 23-year-old pregnant woman went into labor while she was on a journey in the train in the Northern state of Uttar Pradesh.
She then went into one of the toilets where she delivered a baby girl. The newborn slipped and fell into the tracks of the rail.
"Passengers on the train heard her cries for help and decided to pull the emergency chain to bring the train to a halt. Moments they ran towards the baby and discovered she was alive. "Sirohi said.
The railway Police moved both Mom and Baby to a nearby hospital. Railway Officer,Chandra Mohan-Jindai,said it was a miracle the baby survived after falling on concrete borders of the track from such a height. "Fortunately,the train wasn't at a great speed as it had just begun its journey from the rail station.
We at Wheelzcoded blog wish to thank God for the live of this lil survivor.
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